10 November 2022

Lucky pants

I just had a dream I was coaching some kids and before the event (could be sports and performing in front of a crowd)
I had them all put on goodwill type outfits. Only I told them all before hand that the pants they were given, were lucky pants. That if and when they wore those pants, they would have luck and perform/play well.

The take away was after the event, I told them that whatever I gave them was just ordinary. That they now possess an imaginary pair of lucky pants (any article of clothing) 

Perhaps this could be done in a guided mediation. And they get to a stage in the meditation where they choose a magic or lucky item out of a special chest they find. Could be a hat, clothing, trinket, anything. But the point is they take that item with them on their journey. That whenever they face a trial, go in front of a crowd, perform or play, whatever their trinket was, they now have it wherever they go in life. All they need to do, to access their lucky item is to take a moment before this event, close their eyes, imagine returning to their meditative place, placing on their special lucky item, putting it in their pocket, wearing it or whatever. Then go on stage confidently knowing they have luck (God) on their side.

Take them on this journey and end up at the beginning of the iron rod in Lehi's dream. Inform them they can now take this with them throughout life. That as they inevitably fall or wander away from the rod, that they can take this item, that God himself chose just for them. Knowing that He placed that item in that chest way ahead of time (perhaps eons ago) with them in mind. Knowing they'd choose that specific item. That he blessed that item with specific powers and prepared it just for them, for their journey.

Lehi's dream...

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