10 November 2022

God, The Multi-Dimensional Being

How does God hear all our prayers at once? There are a lot of us. That has to be overwhelming. 

As a higher dimensional being, God lives outside of time. And has all the time in eternity to patiently and thoughtfully answer each and every prayer.

We live in a three dimensional world. A terrestrial glory. God lives in a higher dimension. Whether that be 4th, 5th, 8th or 12th, I don't know. But imagine yourself visiting a two dimensional world. It's perfectly flat, like a piece of paper or a desk. The beings there move around like bacteria in a petri dish. if they bump into objects, they have to move around them. Now if we, as a three dimensional being were to visit them in their world. Firstly, we have a perspective they don't and can see much more than they do, simply from our third dimensional perspective. If we were to appear to a two dimensional being, we would appear as the bottom of two feet. They might not be able to comprehend that the bottom of these two oddly shaped things are connected to a three dimensional body. That would probably blow their minds to even comprehend that these two separate beings are actually one. And they are connected inseparably in a way that's beyond their two dimensional understanding. When we walk, to these beings, it would be miraculous. because one of those beings completely disappears and then reemerges a distance away. then the other stationary being disappears and then reappears further away from the other being. So something as simple as walking would be an unfathomable miracle to beings in this two dimensional world. 

Now imagine if these same two dimensional beings were to visit a one dimensional world. One dimension is a straight line like a string, the beings that live there can't move around one another in this world. They have to move along that string together. Now imagine if a two dimensional being were to visit them in this realm. It would probably appear miraculous to them how this two dimensional being could somehow skip the line and move around so freely. 

The same principle applies to us when higher dimensional beings visit us in this three dimensional world. It might baffle us how this being can do certain things that to them, might be as simple as walking. 

Now think about how God and Christ visited Joseph Smith in the sacred grove. They appeared to him "standing in air". This is likely a factor of them being higher dimensional beings visiting a lower dimension. The angel Moroni appearing to Joseph did the same thing, standing in air. These are beings that have physical bodies, they are not spirit entities. So standing in air with a physical body defies the laws of physics, as we know them. Perhaps there are also technologies possessed by beings in these other realms that could explain some of the miraculous things we can't explain. These different glories, are very real. And we can obtain them. God wants to share these things with us. But with great power, comes great responsibility. I imagine this world is a test to see if we could obey basic laws and principles. So that when we're left to our own devices, we won't hurt or even do unwilling harm to beings in a lower realm. 

This is how I think the different glories we can and will be ressurected to, will be like. Which is why higher dimensional beings can visit the lower dimensional beings but not vice-versa. 

Now contemplate how if God were to have Joseph Smith translate a book written in the past but he has to do it peering through one of these higher dimensions. Translation might be the closest term in our language we could use to describe what is happening. When Joseph Smith had to originally peer into a hat, he could have been simply blocking out his worldly eyes, so he wasn't distracted and could instead focus on what is written on this book that might perhaps have been in a higher realm. Just because we don't understand something, or how something works, doesn't mean it's bogus or isn't true. 

It's the same with Prayer. How does God hear everyone's prayers, all at once. The answer is, he stands outside of time. Time is a factor of our realm, not His. 

How are the Godhead all one? God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The traditional explanation is that they are "One in purpose". But what if the Holy Trinity is just another aspect of a higher dimension that we have yet to comprehend in our three dimensional understanding?

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