13 July 2022

The time Riggs plowed through the back of the tent.

Lexi and I went camping up in the Uintah's over the weekend. It's about a 4 mile hike to Ibantik, (The lake we were aiming for.) We left after work Friday with the plan to camp somewhere along the trail, then day hike all the way to Ibantik the next day. The mosquitoes were bad and grew more intense as the evening grew cooler. We got about 3 miles in before we decided to set up the tent to get a reprieve from the mosquitoes for us and for Riggs. The other dogs were fine with their thick fur protecting them, but Riggs with his thin fur, was getting eaten as bad as we were. Mosquito repellant was barley helping. We even had some fly into our eyes, ears and one even flew inside my mouth and into my throat. 😖 Indeed the gates of hell must have swarms of these tiny little, blood sucking, pests.

After getting the tent set up and situated, we tried to bring Riggs in, but like most Great Danes (think Scooby-doo) his back leg got slightly caught on the tent door and he freaked out that something was touching him, I couldn't free him quick enough so he bolted straight through the back of the tent. 

We were like Crap!!!! 

Lexi went out to calm him while I handled the damage to the tent. It was easy to tell he felt so bad! He stood up and put his paws up on her shoulders and licked her face, you could just tell he realized what he'd done and was so sorry. If he could speak he'd have probably said, "I'm sorry, I kinda freaked out there." 😂

We ended up putting rocks and sticks along the broken seam of the tent to get us through the night without being eaten alive. We regret not taking pictures, it would've been a funny post. 

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