29 June 2022

The still, small, current that is Christ.

Skydiving, riding a motorcycle at 200mph, four wheeling, riding on a boat or jet ski, living life on the edge. Climbing mountains, being in places seemingly never intended for a person to be. Flying a jet through the sky. Riding a rocket to space. 

I imagine the power of running a nation, forming policy that will change and shape the future for all others that come after me. Taking humanity to another world. Controlling the elements. The greatest power that I can conceive, pales in comparison to the power I've felt in and through Him. 


His power is not affected by time, not affected by the influence of any person big or small, indeed the very fabric of the universe was created by Him. If  He created the universe and everything in it, how small and seemingly insignificant is the earth, it's storms and tumults. How He so easily commanded and controlled them. 


If he created them, He most certainly knows how they work down to the molecular level and beyond. Calming a storm while laughing, healing the sick so compassionately. He knows what's important. Following His example, He understands love more deeply than anyone but the Father Himself could comprehend. How easily He could have ruled the earth and everything in it. But when it came to bending our wills. He is but a gently flowing current, allowing us to decide for ourselves how we will live our lives, how we will spend our time on earth. What power we must have within even the least of us if He, the great and powerful creator of us all, respected our free will to chose. He could have snapped His fingers or even with a thought obliterated those who sought to take His life. But that would have violated His plan, the Fathers plan of free agency. That kind of evil was the plan of the devil and if he could, he'd take that same power and enslave us all to no end. How much Christ must respect and love each one of us individually. To wield that much power and to be as gentle and patient as a light breeze with us. 

He is the most significant and most powerful thing I've felt in my life. He is a gentle, consistent, loving current. He's not loud, never overbearing and definitely not forceful. He is calm, His love is greater and more consistent than I've felt anywhere else in my time here on earth. His influence has been described as a still small voice. 

"My kingdom is not of this world." 

Over the years and through Him, I've learned true treasure is not of this realm. Let me explain, as mortals here on earth we will all die. The goal, the most important purpose can't be to attain material possessions. The most obvious reasoning is we can't take them with us. We're all going to eventually pass to the next realm. So that begs the question; what can we take with us? It's most certainly not something money can buy. A testimony of truth, a greater understanding of light and appreciating a deeper love. But what's not always considered is what we can and do take with us to the next world, each other. Our relationships, the love we've invested in one another and freely given while here on earth has to have immense value in the life to come. 

So what can we give? 

To our Creator, Redeemer and to one another, we can give our love, our loyalty, our time, our patience, we can build up and help each other succeed in our endeavors. We can care for the ones we will eventually leave behind. The ways in which we can do this vary greatly. One way I've learned to care for others is by having patience and respecting where we each are individually and not judging based on my own timeline and understanding. After all, we are all eternal beings on an eternal path, some truths new to me, you may have learned eons ago. 

Each of us is gifted talents and abilities, tools that we are to use to accomplish the goals He has set before us. Indeed that gentle, consistent, current that is Christ will always continue to draw us to Him. The sooner we realize and stop fighting against that current, the sooner we will realize that if we swim with the current, we can make far more progress than we ever imagined. 

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