16 May 2022

Red (woke) Cross

Dear Red Cross,

Unfortunately, our paths have reached a fork in the road and we can no longer proceed with our relationship in it's current state. You've crossed a line and after my 8 gallon donation mark, (64 donations) we'll have to part ways unless you come to your senses. 

Here's why:

Having contracted covid before the vaccine was available, I had the antibodies and you informed me that you used my blood to help others without the antibodies overcome the virus. Knowing this and how virology works, I saw no reason to get the vaccine when it finally became available to me. During the pandemic, you provided a helpful service to your donors letting us know our antibody status. Which was a comforting service given that news outlets (and you) were saying the antibodies would go away for some reason. After doing away with that service for about a year, you started it back up again. And for some reason, (*sarcasm) after the change was made, you informed me that I "no longer have the covid antibodies". Which was shocking, because that's not what I was taught about immunology in school. I immediately went to my doctor, had an antibody test done and was told that I do indeed still have them, that I should expect to continue to have antibodies for that specific strain, for life. 

To give you the benefit of the doubt, I gave it another donation to verify your political stance, just in case it was a false positive test result, and not a political move prompted by a woke movement. You knew I hadn't received a vaccine because you continue to ask me that question before each donation. I gain nothing from having donated over 8 gallons of blood throughout my life. I gave it of my free will and choice, knowing that I was helping save lives. But if you're going to lie to me about my own health, that is a political line that you've drawn that I cannot cross with good conscience. 


The test results came back positive this time but you redefined and reworded things on the website to reflect a more neutral stance. While you may still get donations from me in the distant future, I don't trust you. Which may by itself, be enough reason to sever the relationship for good. Given the vulnerability that relationship puts me in. 

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