06 October 2024

Trishelle and Trevor's Wedding Ceremony

“Dancing in the rain”

"Hello everyone, and welcome! My name is Tony, and I am a longtime friend of the groom. It’s my honor to officiate Trishelle and Trevor's wedding ceremony today.

Before we begin, the bride and groom respectfully request that you keep your cameras and phones off during the ceremony. They’ve arranged for a wonderful photographer to capture these special moments, and they’ll happily share the pictures with you afterward. For now, just relax and enjoy this moment with them.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness Trishelle and Trevor pledge their love to each other. Those of us who know them have seen their connection grow into something undeniable. If soulmates truly exist, these two have found theirs in each other.

Trishelle and Trevor are honored that you, their dearest friends and family, have traveled from near and far to celebrate with them. They would like to particularly thank their parents today for the unconditional love, support, and guidance you have always shown to them.

Before we continue, Trishelle and Trevor would like to take a brief moment to acknowledge their loved ones who have passed on and could not be here with us today. We hold them in our hearts and feel their presence here with us.

*moment of silence*

Thank you.

[The Journey of Marriage]

Marriage is a journey—one filled with twists and turns, sunshine and storms. It's about learning to dance in the rain and finding joy even when the skies aren't clear. Trishelle and Trevor, the love you have is like that—able to weather any storm, strong enough to play in the storm and embrace every part of life together. Today, you stand here not just as individuals but as a team, ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

Love is not so much about finding the right person, but about creating a right relationship with the person you find. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning. But how much love you both build along the way.

The greatest love of all is charity. Have charity towards one another. I promise that if you do only this one thing, you will have a successful marriage. 

Love each other deeply, freely, and with all your heart. Don’t let fear keep you from sharing that love with one another. Laugh together, even when things get tough. When the skies darken and it begins to rain, remember to hold hands and just keep dancing.

Encourage each other’s dreams and set goals together. Hold hands, dance, sing, tease, enjoy nature, and appreciate the little and big things that make you both unique. Encourage each other in your dreams and desires and don’t discourage each other in any way. Share everything, even your quietest thoughts, and take the time to really listen to one another. Trust each other fully and always work to maintain that trust. There will be challenges, but remember that even in the most difficult moments, you can still play in the rain together.

[Forgiveness and Trust]

When conflicts arise, and they will, remember that the hardest thing may be to forgive and forget, but that is exactly what you need to do. This is the heart of everything, and it is a tricky balance that needs to look like a ying and yang circling one another in an eternal dance. One can’t be circling the other too fast or too slow, or it will throw things out of balance. Marriage isn't about keeping score; it's about loving without condition and trusting without fear. You give your whole heart, your entire love, and your full loyalty to one another. And with that, you create a bond that no storm can break. 

Make time for one another. Use tender communication to navigate the difficult times and express your affection often. The foundation of a strong marriage is built on patience, understanding, and mutual respect.

[The Promise of Love]

No ceremony can create a marriage, these are just words. The seed of your relationship started when you first met. As time has gone by, you have both cared for and nourished it into the beautiful union we see before us today. Continue to nourish your relationship with praise for one another. As you move forward in life together, continue to love and serve one another. These are the sunshine and water your marriage needs in order to flourish and grow. (Praise, Love, Serve)

Nourish this marriage that you’ve grown from a seed, and continue to grow it into the strong, stalwart tree that it is destined to be. So that it will not only withstand the years and decades but will grow to stand tall throughout the eternities.

Having learned to embrace life's storms has taught you both the value of growth that comes from challenging times. These storms allow the roots of your relationship to become stronger and to dig deeper. So that no matter what life throws at you, your deep strong roots will allow you to not only withstand all of life's storms, but to have such confidence in your relationship that you can both playfully, lovingly dance through those moments for the strength and nourishment they provide.

[Vows and I-do's]

Now, as you prepare to take these vows, remember this: marriage is not about perfection. It’s about two imperfect people choosing to love one another despite life’s imperfections. Trishelle and Trevor, are you ready to make these promises to each other?"

Do you, Trishelle, take Trevor to be your husband, 

To be his constant friend, his partner in life, and his true love? To love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit?

Do you, Trevor, take Trishelle to be your wife, 

To be her constant friend, her partner in life, and her true love? To love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit?

In the presence of these family and friends I now pronounce you husband and wife!

You may kiss the bride!

*Ring Exchange*

Friends and Family, it is my great joy and pleasure to present to you...

Trevor and Trishelle Parson


Congratulations Trishelle and Trevor! 

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