06 October 2024

Trishelle and Trevor's Wedding Ceremony

“Dancing in the rain”

"Hello everyone, and welcome! My name is Tony, and I am a longtime friend of the groom. It’s my honor to officiate Trishelle and Trevor's wedding ceremony today.

Before we begin, the bride and groom respectfully request that you keep your cameras and phones off during the ceremony. They’ve arranged for a wonderful photographer to capture these special moments, and they’ll happily share the pictures with you afterward. For now, just relax and enjoy this moment with them.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness Trishelle and Trevor pledge their love to each other. Those of us who know them have seen their connection grow into something undeniable. If soulmates truly exist, these two have found theirs in each other.

Trishelle and Trevor are honored that you, their dearest friends and family, have traveled from near and far to celebrate with them. They would like to particularly thank their parents today for the unconditional love, support, and guidance you have always shown to them.

Before we continue, Trishelle and Trevor would like to take a brief moment to acknowledge their loved ones who have passed on and could not be here with us today. We hold them in our hearts and feel their presence here with us.

*moment of silence*

Thank you.

[The Journey of Marriage]

Marriage is a journey—one filled with twists and turns, sunshine and storms. It's about learning to dance in the rain and finding joy even when the skies aren't clear. Trishelle and Trevor, the love you have is like that—able to weather any storm, strong enough to play in the storm and embrace every part of life together. Today, you stand here not just as individuals but as a team, ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

Love is not so much about finding the right person, but about creating a right relationship with the person you find. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning. But how much love you both build along the way.

The greatest love of all is charity. Have charity towards one another. I promise that if you do only this one thing, you will have a successful marriage. 

Love each other deeply, freely, and with all your heart. Don’t let fear keep you from sharing that love with one another. Laugh together, even when things get tough. When the skies darken and it begins to rain, remember to hold hands and just keep dancing.

Encourage each other’s dreams and set goals together. Hold hands, dance, sing, tease, enjoy nature, and appreciate the little and big things that make you both unique. Encourage each other in your dreams and desires and don’t discourage each other in any way. Share everything, even your quietest thoughts, and take the time to really listen to one another. Trust each other fully and always work to maintain that trust. There will be challenges, but remember that even in the most difficult moments, you can still play in the rain together.

[Forgiveness and Trust]

When conflicts arise, and they will, remember that the hardest thing may be to forgive and forget, but that is exactly what you need to do. This is the heart of everything, and it is a tricky balance that needs to look like a ying and yang circling one another in an eternal dance. One can’t be circling the other too fast or too slow, or it will throw things out of balance. Marriage isn't about keeping score; it's about loving without condition and trusting without fear. You give your whole heart, your entire love, and your full loyalty to one another. And with that, you create a bond that no storm can break. 

Make time for one another. Use tender communication to navigate the difficult times and express your affection often. The foundation of a strong marriage is built on patience, understanding, and mutual respect.

[The Promise of Love]

No ceremony can create a marriage, these are just words. The seed of your relationship started when you first met. As time has gone by, you have both cared for and nourished it into the beautiful union we see before us today. Continue to nourish your relationship with praise for one another. As you move forward in life together, continue to love and serve one another. These are the sunshine and water your marriage needs in order to flourish and grow. (Praise, Love, Serve)

Nourish this marriage that you’ve grown from a seed, and continue to grow it into the strong, stalwart tree that it is destined to be. So that it will not only withstand the years and decades but will grow to stand tall throughout the eternities.

Having learned to embrace life's storms has taught you both the value of growth that comes from challenging times. These storms allow the roots of your relationship to become stronger and to dig deeper. So that no matter what life throws at you, your deep strong roots will allow you to not only withstand all of life's storms, but to have such confidence in your relationship that you can both playfully, lovingly dance through those moments for the strength and nourishment they provide.

[Vows and I-do's]

Now, as you prepare to take these vows, remember this: marriage is not about perfection. It’s about two imperfect people choosing to love one another despite life’s imperfections. Trishelle and Trevor, are you ready to make these promises to each other?"

Do you, Trishelle, take Trevor to be your husband, 

To be his constant friend, his partner in life, and his true love? To love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit?

Do you, Trevor, take Trishelle to be your wife, 

To be her constant friend, her partner in life, and her true love? To love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit?

In the presence of these family and friends I now pronounce you husband and wife!

You may kiss the bride!

*Ring Exchange*

Friends and Family, it is my great joy and pleasure to present to you...

Trevor and Trishelle Parson


Congratulations Trishelle and Trevor! 

05 June 2024

Top twenty fun facts I learned about alcohol from pharmacology class this week.

  1. By the mid-eighteenth century, every man, woman, and child in London drank an average of more than a pint of gin per week, because it was cleaner than water.

  1. In 1620, the Mayflower was scheduled to land in Virginia, but the seas were rough and the Pilgrims were running out of beer, so they decided to disembark in Massachusetts at Plymouth Rock. As the voyagers wrote, “We could not now take time for further search or consideration, our victuals being much spent, especially our Beere, and it being now the 19th of December.” 

  1. Upon passage of Prohibition, members of the Yale Club, a private club in Manhattan whose members were alumni or faculty of Yale University, pragmatically laid down a stock of wine sufficient to last for 14 years.

  1. The Volstead Act required that chemicals be added to industrial alcohol to make it unpleasant and even dangerous to drink. Bootleggers, however, soon learned how to remove these chemicals (although they were not always successful) that could cause blindness, paralysis, and death. (I was under the impression the deadly nature was at the fault of the rednecks not understanding how to properly make liquor, not that they were trying to remove poison the government had put there.)

  1. William S. McCoy was considered to be the prince of rumrunners. He never watered down his liquor and never dealt with gangsters. His name gave birth to the term “the real McCoy” for an article of genuine quality.

  1. The mobster Al Capone coordinated a vast bootlegging enterprise and oversaw the importation of alcohol from Canada, hundreds of illegal distilleries and breweries in the United States, and bodyguards to protect these investments. Capone said he broke the law to fill the nation’s demand for liquor: 

“I make my money by supplying a public demand. If I break the law, my customers, who number hundreds of the best people in Chicago, are as guilty as I am. The only difference between us is that I sell and they buy. Everybody calls me a racketeer. I call myself a businessman. When I sell liquor, it’s bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on a silver tray on Lake Shore Drive, it’s hospitality.”

  1. Prohibition encouraged a general disregard for the law. Even President Harding drank whisky and beer in the White House bedroom. 

  1. People grew increasingly distasteful of the oppressive means by which the government enforced Prohibition, as federal agents searched homes, tapped phones, and killed innocents.

  1. During prohibition and because of the great depression, the federal government lost billions in potential tax revenues. By 1932, industrial production had fallen by more than half, and a quarter of the workforce was unemployed. If liquor were to be made legal and taxed again, the country could fill the gaping hole in its revenue sources. So , in 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt included the repeal of the 18th Amendment (prohibition) as a plank of his platform for election, and he won by a landslide. By December 1933, some 35 states had passed a referendum to reinstitute drinking, and Utah became the 36th and final state to cast its ballot to officially end Prohibition.

  1. Methyl alcohol (CH OH, also called methanol or wood alcohol), which is sometimes used in antifreeze, is toxic if consumed. Isopropyl alcohol ((CH ) CHOH), also called rubbing alcohol, is also unsafe to ingest. The alcohol we drink is ethyl alcohol, or ethanol. Ethanol (CH CH OH, also called grain alcohol) can also be dangerous to consume, but many of us do so 3 2 anyway.

  1. Beverages also can be distilled by freezing a fermented product and removing the ice, thus concentrating the alcohol. This process is called freeze distillation or jacking.

  1. The word “vodka” means “little water” in Russian.

  1. The strongest proof that any alcoholic beverage can be is 190. Above 95 percent alcohol, the beverage draws moisture from the air and self-dilutes. 

  1. The term proof comes from an old British navy custom, wherein the sailors would test their ration of rum to ensure that it hadn’t been watered down. To do so, they would douse gunpowder with their rum—if the alcohol content was 50 percent or greater, the gunpowder would burn. If the rum contained too much water, it wouldn’t ignite. Burning was “proof” that their rum ration was at least 50 percent alcohol. 

  1. Women tend to have more body fat and less body fluid than men, so if you were to give the same amount of alcohol to a woman and a man who weigh the same, the woman will usually have a higher BAC. 

  1. Some animals, such as elephants and dogs, have a nonfunctioning gene for ADH, such that a very small amount of alcohol may get them very drunk.

  1. Those who drink more than 14 drinks per week lose approximately 1.6 percent of brain size compared to nondrinkers.

  1. In England, pubs serve drinks in either pints or quarts. In old England, bartenders told their customers to mind their own pints and quarts, which is how the expression “mind your P’s and Q’s” originated. 

  1. People in every culture have experienced the misery of a hangover. The Germans call it katzenjammer, which translates to “the wailing of cats.” Norwegians complain about jeg har tommeermenn (“the workmen in my head”), and Irish bemoan ta dha cinn orm (“There are two heads on me”). In France, drinkers experience “woody mouth” ( gueule de boi s) and Italians are “out of tune” ( stonato ). The isiZulu word for hangover is isibhabhalazi , which might be particularly difficult to say if you are experiencing one. Perhaps hangover is best expressed in Latin: crapula.


  1.  Regarding alcohol related deaths, poet Dylan Thomas, whose last words were “I’ve had 18 straight whiskeys… I do believe that’s a record.” 

01 April 2024

Temple Talk (24 March 2024)

 The Temple: A Place of Renewal and Connection

Good morning. 

(Two weeks ago, I was walking along a dirt road in southern Utah after hiking a slot canyon with Lexi. It was a beautiful hike and I was on my way back to get the car when I somehow got the text, I didn’t even know I could get service in that area. It was from Travis Stolk, and I my first inclination was to ignore it. Although, I like Travis so I felt I should respond. I told him I’m going to school and working full time. I suppose I could half heartedly write a talk using A.I. if you’d like me to. Neither swearing nor mentioning a poor effort got me out of it. I bring this up because… )

A while ago, I was attending the “setting apart” of a close neighbor friend. His sister was holding everyone's phones and in a quiet and reverent moment, one of the phones began to ring. After looking at the phone to silence it, his sister asks, who’s “Travis Stolk, DO NOT ANSWER”? I bring that up for personal reasons. Nothing related to being up here.

I’m studying psychology with a cognitive neuroscience minor. Learning more about how God designed our brains has reinforced my testimony. Going back to school at this time has also blessed me with the opportunity to learn to utilize A.I. for writing. I have learned that it’s great at outlining, getting started and proofreading. But it’s impersonal, so you need to infuse your personal touch into the writing. Plus, it’s not very good at conveying the spirit. It did however do a pretty good job, overall.

(I will point out when it was AI or me that wrote a paragraph.)

I was asked to speak about temples. The temple is a sacred space where we draw closer to our Heavenly Father and receive blessings beyond measure. I find such peace and solace in the temple. It brings me joy and purpose to serve others in the temple by proxy, knowing I’m helping them partake of sacred ordinances that they weren’t able to do themselves, during life. 


The temple holds a special place in my heart. They are a place of worship, learning, and covenant making. Temples are magnificent structures, architectural wonders that stand as a testament to our faith. The detail that goes into each temple is intentionally impeccable. But their true significance lies far beyond the beauty of their design. Temples are sacred spaces, dedicated to God and the pursuit of holiness. Christ referred to the temple as “His Fathers house”. So, I like to do the same. When choosing temple clothes, and when I was given the choice between slippers and shoes, I chose slippers, because that helps me feel more at home, in my Fathers house. Much like our own homes, they are places where we can experience a profound sense of peace, renewal, and connection.


To truly understand the significance of the temple, we must first recognize its role in God's plan, which happens to be one of my favorite gospel topics. The temple endowment outlines the plan of salvation. And explains where we came from, why we’re here, and where we go when we pass from this mortal test. In the temple we make sacred covenants or promises with God. They are in essence, a more detailed extension of our baptismal covenants. Things like always giving our best effort to serve Him in all that we do. In return, He promises to bless our lives and amplify our efforts. I’ve felt this actively in my life. I’ve tested it. It’s not superstition, it’s real! 


Alma 42:8: says "And now behold, I say unto you that this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors."

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, "The plan of salvation, also known as the great plan of happiness, is a plan that God created for our eternal happiness. Central to this marvelous plan is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The mission and ministry of Jesus Christ centered on the Atonement, which includes His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Crucifixion on the cross at Calvary, and His Resurrection from the tomb."

One of my first experiences in the temple was while I was in the MTC. Another Elder and I were leaving the celestial room when we were asked if we’d like to participate in sealings. We happily accepted, and I was especially excited because this would be my first experience with sealings. 

Side note:

One of the things I’ve noticed throughout my life is that I feel much more receptive to the spirit when I’m doing everything in my power to stay worthy of the spirit. In so doing, I am able to be more sensitive to its promptings. At this time of my life, I was never more ready to feel the spirit. 

During this sealing session, I paid particular attention to the spirit. And as several sealings went by, I didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary, but for one particular set of names, as the sealing words began, the room felt instantly full. Like to the brim, full. Full with loved ones and their love for one another but specifically, for that couple being sealed by proxy. The words spoken by the sealer felt like so much more. They were the same words being spoken as the previous names, but this time, they were actively being accepted and cherished. That feeling warmed my heart and touched my soul! Then the instant the sealing words concluded, the room again felt empty, save for the few of us that were performing the sealings.

President Russell M. Nelson (Oct 2008) once said, “…the virtue of a temple marriage. It is the highest and most enduring type of marriage that our Creator can offer to His children.”

Think about that for a minute. The “...most enduring type of marriage that our Creator can offer…” us.) It’s a three way promise. You are being sealed not just to your sweetheart, but also, to God. 


Echoes of the Past

Throughout history, God has commanded his people to build temples as places for sacred ordinances. From the Tabernacle erected by Moses in the wilderness, to the magnificent temple in Jerusalem, and now the nearly hundreds of temples that are scattered throughout the Earth. We are indeed building His kingdom in preparation of His coming. 

(A.I. Wrote that section, not bad, eh?)

Every aspect of the temple is infused with symbolism and meaning. The temple itself represents the House of the Lord, a place where His presence can be felt in earnest. The ordinances performed within its walls symbolize and assist us in our journey back to God, from the washing and anointing representing spiritual purification, to the sealing ordinances uniting families for eternity.


But the temple is more than just a place of ordinances; it is also a place where we can achieve personal growth and transformation. As we attend the temple regularly, little by little, here a little, there a little, we are changed and refined by the Spirit. Our hearts are softened, our minds enlightened, and our spirits uplifted. The temple becomes a refuge from the storms of life, a place where we can find peace and solace in the midst of trials.


“This mortality is a test. It’s a time for us to prepare to meet God.” Unlike a test in school, which we can bomb. Each of us has been given access to a means whereby we are all guaranteed to pass. A ‘cheat sheet’ if you will, that guarantees we pass this mortal test. That cheat sheet is Christ's atonement. Please excuse this analogy’s negative context. But if we use this cheat sheet in the way with which it was intended, we are guaranteed a place at the right hand of God. Maybe a cheat sheet is not the best analogy. We should never misuse the atonement. To better defend this, I’ll bring up a statement once told to me by a friend regarding the attitude of “just repenting” instead of refraining from that sin in the first place. My friend said, “When we sin with the intent to later “just repent”, we are in essence, intentionally adding to Christ's anguish in the garden of gethsemane.” I’ve never been able to look at sin the same way since.


Covenants and Ordinances

Within the temple walls, we participate in sacred ordinances that connect us to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. These ordinances, like baptism and eternal marriage, allow us to make sacred covenants – promises with God – that guide our lives and open the door for eternal blessings.


Of all the ordinances and blessings we receive from God, one of the sacred ordinances of which I am most fond of is renewing our baptismal covenants when we partake of the sacrament each week. Brother Faerber made some profound points about this in his testimony not long ago. He compared the sheet that covers the sacrament to the sheet that covered Christ in the tomb. While that is a somewhat morbid thought to envision, it’s profound in its symbolism. I can’t look at that sheet the same, thanks Dave. It’s a humbling thought to envision when you look at that table over there, and it lends to the seriousness we should give to that sacred ordinance. 


With that thought in mind, I’ll quote Elder Bednar:

“Please consider that the emblems of the Lord’s body and blood, the bread and the water, are both blessed and sanctified. “O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread [or this water] to the souls of all those who partake [or drink] of it.” …The sacramental emblems are sanctified in remembrance of Christ’s purity, and represent our total dependence upon His Atonement…”

What an honor it is for those in the Aaronic priesthood to have the opportunity to serve with that sacred ordinance. 

Brother Faerber also made a good point in his testimony about how holy, chapels are. The chapel in the temple is one of my favorite places in the temple and it also holds a special place in my heart. To me, it’s kind of like the pre-existence, a holy place where evil cannot exist, but where we prepare our hearts for what's coming next. It’s quiet, peaceful, and we can listen to the prelude music. Which helps prepare our minds for the ordinance ahead of us. The same could be said about the prelude music here in sacrament meetings, preparing our hearts and minds for partaking of the sacrament. 


James E. Faust once said,

“Our chapels are dedicated to the Lord as holy places.”

A Place of Renewal

The temple is not just a place for outward ordinances; it's also a place for inward reflection and spiritual renewal. As we participate in these sacred experiences, we are reminded of our divine potential and the Savior's infinite sacrifice. The temple becomes a refuge from the cares of the world, a place where we can feel the Holy Spirit and strengthen our resolve to live the gospel.


Connecting Families for Eternity

One of the most beautiful aspects of temple ordinances is the opportunity to connect families for eternity. Through the sealing ordinance, we can be bound together not just for this life, but for all eternity. This knowledge brings immense comfort and strengthens our commitment to building strong and righteous family ties.


The temple is a beacon of light and hope in a world filled with darkness and despair. It is a place where heaven and earth meet, and where we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we embrace the sacredness of the temple and strive to live worthy of its blessings, we will be filled with peace, joy, and the love of God. 


I have a deep and abiding testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that He is our Savior and Redeemer, and that through His sacrifice, we are blessed with the opportunity of repentance. That through staying close to Him we can all be forgiven of our sins and shortcomings and return to live with our Heavenly Father. This is His church through which He will establish His kingdom here on Earth. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, 

- Amen.


19 January 2024

The Amoeba Complex - Is this life a simulation?

Things big compared to things small

With advancements in science, we can now look at the vast universe and identify similarities between infinitely large and small things. The motion of a solar system can resemble an atom, and I'm sure countless other examples exist.

Black Holes may contain the seed of another universe

A recent hypothesis, known as Schwarzschild cosmology, suggests our universe expands within a black hole that belongs to a parent universe. This scenario implies universes can exist within universes, like nesting dolls. Traveling back through a black hole (likely impossible, since light can't do it) could unlock unknown realms, as Gaurav Khanna suggests (Coffey, 2023).

Our brains map the 3-D space around us

Neuroscientists O'Keefe et al. (2008) won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for discovering that the Entorhinal Cortex maps our comprehension of 3D space. We are 3D beings, and our brains may intentionally prevent us from perceiving higher dimensions. Let's use an example:

Other dimensions

A common misunderstanding exists about the Plan of Salvation's "three glories" being "worlds." However, Joseph Smith described them as "glories" we can be resurrected to. He explained them in terms he understood and thought others would understand best, which might seem rudimentary considering the cultural and scientific understanding of his time.

To further explain higher dimensional understanding, consider this:

Imagine visiting a 2D world like a flat piece of paper. Beings there move around like amoebas in a petri dish. Now, if a 3D being like you visited them, you'd have a perspective they lack, seeing much more simply because of your extra dimension. You'd appear to them as two 2D beings, one for each foot. These 2D beings might not comprehend that the two oddly shaped things are connected to one body. Walking for you would be a miraculous disappearance and reappearance for them.

Now imagine those same 2D beings visiting a 1D world, a straight line like a string. The 1D beings can't move around each other, only along the string. A 2D being visiting this realm would appear miraculous to them, able to skip the line and move about freely.

The same principle applies when higher dimensional beings visit our 3D world. Their abilities might seem to them as simple as walking, but baffle us.

Some examples

Remember how God and Christ appeared "standing in air" to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove? This could be because they are higher dimensional beings visiting a lower dimension. The same applies to the angel Moroni appearing to Joseph. These are beings with physical resurrected bodies, so standing in air defies our physics. Perhaps beings from other realms also possess technologies explaining these seemingly miraculous things. Maybe traveling back through black holes between universes is how higher dimensional beings visit lower realms, like the three glories. This could explain why beings in higher realms can visit lower ones, but not vice versa.

Another example, imagine how if God a multi-dimensional being, were to have Joseph Smith translate a book written in the past and perceived by peering through a higher dimension. "Translation" might be the closest word in our language to describe what's happening. When Joseph Smith used a seer stone and a hat, he might have been simply blocking out his worldly eyes, so he wasn't distracted with those perceptions and could instead focus on what is written on this book that might perhaps have been in a higher realm. Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean it's not true.

It's the same with prayer. How does God hear everyone's prayers at once? The answer is, He stands outside of time. Time is part of our realm, not His.

How are the Godhead all one? God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The traditional explanation is that they are "One in purpose." But what if the Holy Trinity is just another aspect of a higher dimension that we haven't grasped with our 3D understanding?

Is this life a simulation? 

Perhaps, but not in the way we currently understand simulations. Based on quotes from apostles and prophets, "this life is a test" (Eyring, 2020; Dew, 1998). We came here in this mortal state to be tested, to see if we can obey basic laws and principles. This could be why God allows bad things to happen.

A simulation parable

By way of comparison to our three-dimensional reality, let's imagine an amoeba living in a two-dimensional world. Now, say a higher-dimensional being is "stuffed" into the body of that amoeba. We, as the being, would likely be limited by the amoeba's brain capacity and lifespan. Our cognitive abilities would be constrained by the physical limitations of its brain.

Despite our confinement to this two-dimensional existence, we, the higher-dimensional amoeba, might still be able to grasp and comprehend aspects of higher dimensions, even if we couldn't perceive them directly with our limited senses. Given the right knowledge and tools, we might even be able to measure, quantify, and interact with certain aspects of those higher dimensions, eventually gaining a rudimentary understanding of their concepts.

When we, the higher-dimensional beings, finally shed this amoeba body, we would return to our previous state of greater dimensional awareness.

The Hope

If this scenario holds true, it could explain why some individuals who claim to have been in the presence of angels or even God experience such profound shifts in comprehension. The transfiguration of faces, etc.

The ultimate hope, then, is not to be resurrected to a higher glory simply unconstrained by the "amoeba" brain or even our current three-dimensional limitations. The greatest hope is to one day climb the ladder of existence further, perhaps even gaining the ability to inhabit a body with a mind like God's.

When Christ descended and inhabited a human body, perhaps He retained some of His higher-dimensional comprehension and abilities. His ability to guide the creation of Earth and have the elements obey as their creator could be a manifestation of this. Understanding His true nature, He might have simply extended this knowledge and abilities in ways that surpassed our three-dimensional minds, leaving us, the two-dimensional amoeba-like humans, mesmerized and awe-struck.


Coffey, D. (2023, June 18). Could Earth be inside a black hole? Live Science. https://www.livescience.com/space/could-earth-be-inside-a-black-hole

National Geographic. (2014, February 18). Black hole blast explains Big Bang. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/140218-black-hole-blast-explains-big-bang

Sifferd, P. (2023, October 6). Every black hole contains a new universe. Inside Science. https://www.insidescience.org/news/every-black-hole-contains-new-universe

Kiehn, O., & Forssberg, H. (2014). Scientific background: The Brain's navigational place and grid cell system. In Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014 (pp. 1-8). Nobel Foundation.

Eyring, H. B. (2020, October). Tested, proved, and polished. In General conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (pp. 43-52). https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2020/10?lang=eng

Dew, S. L. (1998, May 1). This Is a Test. It Is Only a Test. [Talk given at the BYU Women's Conference]

03 August 2023

Thegn and Marilee's Wedding Ceremony

Hello everyone, and welcome! My name is Tony, I am a longtime brother, friend and lunch buddy of the groom, and I will be officiating their wedding ceremony today.

Thegn and Marilee are honored that you, their dearest friends and family, have traveled from so

far to help them celebrate their love and commitment to each other. They would sincerely like to thank all of you, and to express their appreciation for the unconditional love, support, and guidance that each of you have shown to them throughout the years.


They would also like to ask for a brief moment of silence to acknowledge their loved ones who could not be here today—-- We think of them now and can feel their presence here with us today.

*moment of silence*

Thank you.

Friends, Family; We are here to celebrate the marriage of two amazing individuals. Marriage is sacred and divine. It is a celebration between two souls opening themselves up to one another, in a bond that cannot be measured on a worldly scale. It is about Love, trust, communication, and forgiveness. 

Love is not so much about finding the right person, but about creating a right relationship with the person you find. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning. But how much love you both build along the way. The greatest love of all is charity. Have charity towards one another. I promise that if you do only this one thing, you will have a successful marriage. Love  unceasingly, Love deep, Love hard, Love strong. Let the love flow wild and free. Don't let any fears keep you from sharing that love with each other.

Marriage is a journey together, not a destination, and it is the greatest adventure you will ever undertake. Make sure to enjoy it, and don’t take any day for granted.  Laugh together, even through the struggles.  Hold hands, dance, sing, tease, enjoy nature, and appreciate the little and big things that make you both unique. Encourage each other in your dreams and desires and don't discourage each other in any way.  Make goals together and share everything with one another.

Trust each other fully and don't break that trust. When you have arguments: Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to forgive and forget, but that's exactly what you need to do. Give your entire heart, your entire love, your entire allegiance, your entire loyalty. Loyalty means you put the other person in your marriage first all the time, and you let them put you first. Loyalty means subverting your whims or desires of the moment to better meet your spouse’s whims or desires, with the full understanding and expectation that they will be doing the same. This is the heart of everything, and it is a tricky balance. Sometimes it sways one way and some the other. Sometimes he gets to be crazy, sometimes it’s your turn. Sometimes she’s in the spotlight, sometimes you. Ups and downs ultimately don’t matter, because the team endures.

Because marriage is such an important relationship in life, it needs and deserves time. Do not give higher priority to less-important commitments. Take time to talk together and to listen to one another. Use tender, loving, communication as a tool to help navigate. Be thoughtful and respectful. Express tender feelings and affection often. Determine that nothing will ever come between you and your sweetheart to disrupt your marriage. Resolve to make your marriage succeed, in spite of the challenges that arise.

No ceremony can create a marriage. These are just words.  As the years go by, continue to build your marriage through patience, dedication and perseverance; through talking, understanding, listening, trusting, helping, supporting and believing in each other. As the years flow by, your strong, resilient marriage will be full of character, encouragement, and most of all, LOVE! Nourish this marriage that you’ve grown from a seed, and continue to grow it into the strong, stalwart union that it is destined to be. So that it will not only withstand the years and decades but will stand tall throughout the eternities.

Rings Vows and Hand-fasting part of the ceremony:

Thegn and Marilee have chosen to do a Hand-fasting ceremony.

While Thegn and Marilee prepare for this I will explain this part of the ceremony. They will place the rings on each other's fingers, then join hands together and tie the knot around their joined hands.

Hand-fasting is a tradition that started in Celtic culture, which is now practiced among many cultures. It is where the term, "tying the knot" came from. The knot is meant to form an infinity symbol and represents the love that has bound your two hearts together. You have joined hands touching your ring fingers together. Because as the tradition goes, the ring finger is the only finger that has a vein that leads directly to the heart. In this way, as you go throughout life, you need only look at the ring on your finger to be reminded of the direct connection to each other's hearts. I'm going to read a poem called:

"The Blessing of the Hands"

These are the hands of your best friend, young, strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow and forever.

These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.

These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.

These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind.

These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow and tears of joy.

These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one.

These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.

And lastly, these are the hands that, even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

-Author Unknown

Marilee, Thegn, this infinity knot represents the love and harmony that you have for one another. The rings you placed on each other's fingers are a reminder of this unity, and the wholeness and connection with one another's hearts.

The "I Do's"


Thegn and Marilee: Having considered all that love and marriage entail, I ask that you each now make your personal vows to each other.

*Thegn’s vows*

*Marilee’s vows*

I now ask you both to affirm your wedding vows.

Do you Thegn, take Marilee to be your wife, to be her constant friend, her partner in life, and her true love. To love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit?

Do you Marilee, take Thegn to be your husband, to be his constant friend, his partner in life, and his true love? To love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit?

In the presence of these family and friends I now pronounce you husband and wife!

You may kiss the bride!

Friends and Family, it is my great joy and pleasure to present to you...

Thegn and Marilee Wise!

I have a favorite picture of most couples. This is Thegn and Marilee's. 

...this photo coming in a close second. I love that this one captures their youthful and playful attitudes. 

This photo and the video are courtesy of Akbar.