15 November 2022

Tithing - My interpretation

This is a difficult thing for me. Paying money to an already extremely wealthy organization. 

While in Jail, it was revealed to Joseph Smith that we are to pay one tenth of what is remaining in our storehouse annually. I'm not sure what's changed since then that the argument began to be net or gross. Perhaps it is because people want to stand out from their neighbors as more worthy of a more celestial glory. IDK. 

I struggle paying, knowing that the money is just going to pad the already HUGE coffers of an organization that is ran more like a business than a religious organization. The church owns stock, I barely own any stock. The church has no need to ever worry about retirement, I barely have any savings, let alone enough to ever retire. Seriously, why does the church own any portion of facebook?! Grr...

Needless to say, How would I run it, if it were my decision. I don't know. I might buy up a bunch of precious metals and land. But knowing how much land the church already owns, I bet they've already done that. What's in stocks is likely negligible, relatively speaking. 

All this, yet I still pay tithing. Why?! because I've felt this is 100% going towards the Lord's house. Towards his will, when He gets here and starts to run things. He may have them shift funds around and invest otherwise but really, why would He need any of it? He has the universe at His whim. 

I think it has more to do with teaching me how to think more like he does. How to be more like Him. I don't pay gross or even net. I pay one tenth of what I make monthly, after I deduct things dedicated to Him. Like living expenses.

Isn't the higher law, the law of consecration? If we were living by the law of consecration, I would have a roof over my head, medical care, food for my family, transportation, clothing and other basic necessities and a job. So I deduct those costs and pay on what's leftover. I dedicate everything to the Lord. This has brought me a higher accountability, not just in what I spend monetarily but also how I spend my time and how I use those things that are dedicated unto Him. Isn't our time worth money too? Serving our neighbors, family and friends has to mean something to Him, if done with the right spirit. So I take it one step further, and try to dedicate myself, my time, my efforts, my heart, all to Him. To things I think he would want me to be doing. How he'd like me to dedicate my time. Serving others. We serve missions when were eighteen and serve for two years.

One of the best places I could ever invest and serve is within the walls of my own home. What better missionary work can I do than to minister to the sweet spirits put in my care and in the circle of my influence. To Love and to serve my wife, my kids and my family. Taking it one step further, as difficult as it is to do kind things for my ex-wife, after all the horrible things she did to me. With an eternal perspective in mind, I can see that she is a daughter of God and although I eventually gave up on her, as far as being a spouse is concerned, He hasn't given up on her and He knows greater things than I could possibly imagine in the moment. Things like me doing kind things for her affects the way she sees me as the father of her kids. But more importantly, the perspective of my kids. How they see me treating her. How she and I interact. How I reinforce her parenting and encourage the kids to help out around her house, as well as ours.

As I go through my monthly budget figuring out my tithing. I try to follow the spirit. I pray beforehand and ask to be guided. This general practice allows me to work my spiritual muscles so they are ready on a moments notice, should I be called upon. Trying to determine what, if any charges can be dedicated to the building of His kingdom. 

I have felt that the cell phone bill is something I can dedicate to Him. And in so doing, I keep in mind that everything I do with that device, should be used to build the kingdom of God. It keeps me from even considering pursuing worldly things using that device. The same goes with internet usage. 

Another example that bewildered me a bit; I came across a charge I wouldn't have figured could be deducted, my wife's hair appointment. But the spirit told me to go ahead and deduct that charge. I inquired as to how that could possibly be dedicated to the Lord. The answer came that things that go towards building positive, loving relationships with my wife and children are something God would want me to be doing. It's where I should be spending my time and efforts. 

Something like going out to dinner doesn't count, unless I'm taking the missionaries to dinner. 

It's not just monetary things. While I've been blessed with good health, I feel it's my obligation to dedicate my strength to help someone move, my time and genuine effort to help someone feel loved. I donate blood to help save someone's life in need. And I very recently signed up to be a marrow donor. After all, these things aren't mine. It really all belongs to He who created me and the universe. With that grand perspective, my humble part is nothing to Him. But everything to me. Why? because I'm being taught to see things as He does. I'm training my mind to give up worldly pursuits and instead, focus on things that matter, things with eternal consequence. This is how I want to live my life and the rest of my days. 

It's not about money, it's about me becoming what God wants me to be. It's in the details, he is teaching me to be more in tune with the spirit. To be obedient to the promptings I more readily feel. I practice by listening. It's like learning a new language, the best way to learn is to keep speaking it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous24 July, 2023

    Your thoughts and perspectives are beautiful and, I believe, how God sees them as well. By giving all of ourselves to Him, we lose nothing and gain everything.
