04 August 2018

Jim and Leanne's Wedding

It was my great pleasure to officiate the wedding of Jim and Leanne. They are an amazing and loving couple, a shining example of true friends who have a genuine love for others. They helped me through a very tough time in my life and I'm very proud to consider them family.

Thank you to Kristy for recording the ceremony. Here is the video she took:

Music starts

Jim walks down the stairs from the north.
Nathalie and Rachel walk down the stairs from south
Leanne walks down stairs from the south.

Hello everyone, and welcome! My name is Tony, I am a longtime friend of the couple, and I will be officiating their wedding ceremony today. Leanne and Jim are honored to have all of you here today to witness and celebrate their marriage with family and dearest friends.

Before we begin, the bride and groom would like to respectfully request that you take as much video and pictures of the ceremony and reception to capture the wonderful and incredible moments that are about to unfold.

They would like to particularly thank their parents today for the unconditional love, support, and guidance you have always shown to them.

Leanne and Jim would like to ask for a brief moment of silence to acknowledge their loved ones who could not be here today—-- We think of them now and can feel their presence here with us today.

*moment of silence*

Thank you.

TONY - We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Leanne and Jim.
Marriage is a celebration between two souls opening themselves up to one another, in a sacred and divine bond that cannot be measured on a worldly scale. Love is not so much about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship and how you build that love along the way.

It is a chosen space to listen,  support, and enjoy this adventure called life as a family with Nathalie and Rachel, and an opportunity to lean on each other to be the best of friends.

Love is about being honest with each other, having the capacity to forgive and forget, finding dreams to share and common goals to work towards.

Love is learning when it is time to speak and when it is time to listen.

Love is trusting as you both continue to grow, and move forward together.

Love is not a feeling to be taken lightly, but a privilege to be cherished and nurtured. It is standing together, facing the world.

Leanne and Jim, this ceremony does not mark the beginning of a new relationship for you; rather, it is an acknowledgement and a celebration of the love and life you share together.

You are here to affirm the choices you make every day to stand together as partners and to love each other and Nathalie and Rachel unconditionally.

All of us here represent the many facets of their lives gathered together in this shared moment. We are not just witnesses to their promises today, but willing participants in their lives together, both before and after their marriage vows.
Each of you, by your presence here today, is being called upon to support Leanne and Jim in loving one another—to help lift them up when life is hard, to remind them during difficult times of the vows made on this day, and to celebrate with them when life is joyful.

Vows between the couple
Leanne and Jim: Having considered all that love and marriage entail, I now ask that you each now make your personal vows to each other.

Leanne: I promise today to be your best friend, and wife. To always and forever be your confidant and you mine,  to grow old with you and to forever keep the kid in you alive; to honor, love, and cherish you through all of our life's adventures.

Jim: Leanne and Nathalie and Rachel. First of all Leanne, I love you fully and completely as your best friend as your lover as your partner as we walk through this thing called life, and for you two, I'm not your dad, but I'm like, the step dad. So I know that, and I vow to be the best man that I can be for you two, because I love each of you so much. You guys are quite amazing, so as we as a family, do this journey called life, my commitment is to do it fully and completely with a lot of fun. In like, maybe a day a little bit day by day and a lot of fun, maybe that too! Thank you, I love you.

Nathalie and Rachel commitment vows:
Jim and Leanne would you please join hands with Nathalie and Rachel to form your family circle.

 I am going to ask all of you 4 questions and I would like all of you to answer to each of them with, "I Promise!"

Do you promise to love, respect and protect each other from this day forward?
All 4: "I Promise!"

Do you promise to always to be the best person you can be?
All 4: "I Promise!"

Do you promise to always work out disagreements so that your family can grow stronger?
All 4: "I Promise!"

Do you promise to accept the responsibility of being a family, and encourage, and support each other in your new life together?
All 4: "I Promise!"

Nathalie, Rachel; Jim and Leanne have a bracelet for you that represents the promises you have made here today.

Jim and Leanne:
As a symbol of our commitment of love to you  Nathalie and Rachel, we present you a bracelet to symbolize our family unity.

I now ask you both to affirm your wedding vows.

Do you, Leanne, take Jim to be your husband, to be his constant friend, his partner in life, and his true love. To love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit?

Leanne - I do.

Do you, Jim, take Leanne to be your wife, to be her constant friend, her partner in life, and her true love. To love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit?

Jim - I do.

The witness’ commitment vows:

Would everyone please stand.

Do you as witnesses of this ceremony promise to support Leanne and Jim in their commitment to each other and their family, through all that life brings?

Witnesses: I do

Ring Exchange
Leanne and Jim, these rings that you will now exchange are a symbol of your love and evidence that you are never alone, but carry each other with you in everything you do.

Leanne, please place this ring on Jim’s finger and repeat after me:
“With this ring, I thee wed.”

Leanne: With this ring, I thee wed.

Jim, please place this ring on Leanne’s finger and repeat after me:
“With this ring, I thee wed.”

Jim: With this ring, I thee wed.

Leanne and Jim, you have begun your marriage here today in speaking these vows in front of your family and friends, and you will continue to live it in the days and years to come, standing by each other, sharing all the sweet and the bitter of life. We recognize and respect these vows you have made here on this day, before each one of us as a witness.

Therefore, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife! Jim, you may now kiss the bride.


Leanne and Jim, may the happiness you share today be with you always, and may every word you have pledged here be a constant and living truth in your lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now have the great honor to introduce to you the married couple.

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