15 November 2022

Brave Little Raindrop

The brave little raindrop heard a voice say "it's time to go"
Time to go down to the Earth far below.
This is a journey you must take
This is a journey you must make.

The brave little raindrop didn't feel so brave
The brave little raindrop knew she must behave.
So quietly and lovingly the cloud gave a nudge
And off fell the raindrop to the ground from above.

The brave little raindrop was on her way
Falling fast, scared and lonely as the cloud drifted away.
The brave little raindrop landed with a splash,
on the face of a child giggling with a laugh.

The brave little raindrop felt such love to be
on the face of an angel who really must be.
But the brave little raindrops adventure had just begun
Because out from behind the clouds came the glowing warm Sun.

The brave little raindrop began to evaporate
Up, up into the sky she must surely wait
For the brave little raindrop was on her way 
back to the loving cloud to fall yet another day.

The brave little raindrops adventures didn't stop
She fell into a lake, a river and a mountain top
During winters she froze and often turned to snow
Drifting slowly down glaciers to the depths far below.

She visited lands far and near 
exploring the Earth way up here,
So many other friends, so many places to roam 
She felt so cozy and snuggled, this earth was her home

The brave little raindrop flew far away
on the winds of the Earth in the clouds day by day. 
Airplanes whizzed past and birds flew too.
Some days were scary and some were just blue.

No longer in fear she was excited now. 
Having adventures and exploring the world all around.
Impervious to death she knew she would just change shape
Gas, solid or liquid. Sometimes reemerging even in a grape

Sometimes the adventures were sad
sometimes the adventures made her feel glad.
Some adventures were up, some were down
Through it all she wore a smile not a frown.

Realizing that she would fall another day
again and again she would love, laugh and play
Exploring the world with such Vigor and wonder
So much joy with her friends, Mrs. lightning and Mr. thunder

Sometimes years would go by as she floated away
waiting for the cloud to call her yet another day.
On another adventure to see the world from on high.
Sometimes just cheering on her friends as they drifted by.

The brave little raindrop is so much like you! 
Exploring the world, with so much to do. 
Find your passion, learn and grow
Share what you learn with the others as you go. 

Work and play, find what you love to do, 
share that with others help them find their passions too 
So that all the raindrops might have a better day 
sharing this planet, together we can all wash the bad away.

Can you draw a raindrop? Where is it going? Where has it been?
Make up your own story, for your raindrop adventures are about to begin. 

Our deepest fear is not that we aren't enough,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful and tough.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. 
Ask yourself, who am I to be gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? 

Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God. Both you and me. 
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. 
Don't shrink to fit in, don't just do what you're told. 

We are all meant to shine, as children do. 
We're born manifesting the glory of God too.
It's not in just some, it is in everyone. 
We can love, grow and shine to let out our fun. 

This, when we do 
Gives others permission too. 
When we are free from our fears
We free others from their tears.

-Maryann Williamson
Reworded by Tony Woodbury

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